Hello Fellas,

I bring you to an awareness of retrogression that has crept into the church in this epoch. For a while now, I have observed that things are being modified and compromised from the architectural plan and foundation designed by the First born of all Saints for the work of the ministry, perfecting of the saints and edifying of the body of Christ. The Church is slack in fulfilling the mandate of building true and equipped disciples through the engrafted word of God.

The misplacement of Christian Identity has been simplified to an insignificant level the aim of the great commission that was entrusted to us by the Chief Cornerstone. Due to this deficiencies, the devil has leverage on it by manipulating our prospects and expectation of growing into the stature of Christ. He has made it correct by civilization to claim being a Christian without an Identity.

A person cannot claim to be a student of a University without any form of identification also, a Jobholder cannot claim to be an employee of a company without an identity card. However, any one can claim to be a Christian in this present time without the signs following. This asks the question “what is the distinctive sanctity of Christianity?”

I was skimming through a group chat on a social app two years ago while I came across a Muslim dude, his name Haji. As his chat proceeds, he was twixt, whether to claim being a Christian or Muslim. I was stricken with deep sorrow because the frame of Christianity nowadays has devalued the maintenance of its rightful disposition that was set down by the Chief Cornerstone. The emergence of multiple denominational System with contradictory doctrines that toss people to and fro has been a factor breeding this issue.

This is way contrary to times of the early disciples who kept the faith and ran the race. They experienced similar manifestation of the spirit in their ministry as in the ministry of Jesus. The Christian Identity was evident in their lives. It asks the question of if our generation is a counterfeit if we logically weigh the then and the now in the balances.